
Showing posts from November, 2023

From Love We Are

 A spiritual poem exploring the themes of love, creation, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love in mortal and immortal existence.  Picture Credit: AI Bing  We were created in love,  From love, to be love  And to give love. In Lovers’ arts, Among natural elements And celestial realms,  Love is made  To birth miracles And preserve testimonies.  We have found our answers  Because we found the love we are;  We let it in, to be it, and gave it out. 

The Art of Self-Expression and Creative Writing

Creativity and expression are fundamental aspects of human experiences, allowing us to connect with our inner selves, unlock the depths of our inner world, and share our unique perspectives with every realm that can perceive them. We, humans, are infinite vaults of celestial nature beyond our clay and cognitive dimensions, possessing profound sensitivity and a deep connection to the realms of imagination and intuition. Picture Credit: AI Bing In this blog post, we will explore the essence of creativity and expression, delve into the transformative power of writing, and discuss how it can serve as a transformative tool for self-expression. The Essence of Writing and Self-Expression Writing is a vessel of self-expression, providing an avenue through which we can translate our thoughts, emotions, and experiences into a tangible form. It is a profound communication with ourselves and others beyond the mere use of words, code, inks, leads, and keyboards to explore the worlds that have gone,...