Source and Essence of Vibration


Picture Credit: AI Bing

Verse 1

Faith, miracles, and testimonies 

Are the fruits of their harmonies

They show us the way to glory

They tell us our sacred story



Spirits know no hesitation

They are the source of creation 

They speak in every vibration 

They are the essence of our nation 


Verse 2

Thoughts, feelings, actions, and words

Are the language of the Spirit worlds

They guide us through prayer, praise, and penance

They connect us to the divine presence 



Spirits know no hesitation

They are the source of creation 

They speak in every vibration 

They are the essence of our nation 



Nothing can stop seasons or time 

They are the signs of the sublime 

Rich urge jingles us to pray without ceasing 

And to rejoice in all that is pleasing 



Spirits know no hesitation

They are the source of creation 

They speak in every vibration 

They are the essence of our nation. 


This song is a spiritual and inspirational anthem that celebrates the power and presence of Spirits in our lives; expresses faith, gratitude, and joy for the creation, source, and essence of the vibration of the spirit world; and encourages the intention and invention of prayer, praise, and pleasure to the spirits



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